Topolšica Hotel & Spa - Slovenia

Project statistics

Reduction of heating costs by



Installation of cooling in hotel rooms

Installation of a parallel heating system

Situation before the contract and client requirements

The Topolšica hotel and spa operates year-long and has a constant demand for heat.

Its heating system was wasteful, obsolete and unreliable, with numerous fall-outs. In addition the hotel was subject to the high price of district heating, thus incurring considerable costs for a system that could not meet all its needs.

Resalta solution

Resalta installed a 1.1 MW heat pump (water/water) as the main heat source. 

A new 100kW chiller (water/water) was installed to provide cooling for 61 rooms with fan-coils, with the possibility of connecting the remaining 61 rooms to the same system.

The heat pump has increased the demand for underground water and in order to reduce the cost of additional drawing rights, an existing pool waste water recovery system was installed. The existing boiler room was reconstructed to retain the existing system as a back up for periods of peak demand.

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