Centrice energy audit - Slovenia

Project statistics

Thorough energy report with an analysis of the most cost-effective possible solutions for saving energy as well as lowering costs and carbon emissions.

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Centrice Real Estate, Slovenia's biggest real estate company, hired Resalta to carry out a comprehensive energy audit of 20 of its shopping centers across the country.

Resalta solution

Resalta has audited a total of 165,000 square meters under Centrice’s management, including 7 Qlandia malls.

Since most of the centers were built at different times, a variety of different technologies and energy sources are used for heating and cooling.

Resalta has identified the most efficient solutions for each and submitted a report and proposal to Centrice that, if implemented, will enable it to significantly reduce its carbon footprint as well as lower energy costs.

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