Resalta partnering with Paloma on second energy efficiency project

Resalta is partnering with Paloma, the leading paper company based in Sladki Vrh, Slovenia, to expand its electrical capacity and generate financial savings through the replacement of the company’s transmission line.

Paloma has been producing and marketing hygienic paper products since 1873 and is the market leader in Southeast Europe. It produces 72,000 tonnes of hygienic paper each year in its facility in Sladki Vrh. Initially, Resalta undertook an energy audit of the facilities, following which an LED lighting project was implemented in 2019.

Resalta’s latest project will allow Paloma to increase its electrical capacity while also reducing its utility bill. In anticipation of further site development, which would lead to increased consumption of electricity, it was established that Paloma’s existing cable connection to the power grid had insufficient capacity.

Resalta’s solution is to build the transmission line from Paloma’s facilities in Sladki Vrh to the new connection point of the grid - main distribution transformer station. The new transmission line is approximately 3 kilometers long. Because Paloma will be connected directly to the main distribution transformer station, the segmentation group under which Elektro Maribor provides electricity supply will be changed, to one with a lower network rate. Thanks to this change, Paloma, despite its higher electricity consumption, will enjoy significant financial savings. Moreover, the new connection cables will have a capacity of 21,000 kW and will amply cover all of Paloma’s electricity needs after the next steps of development.

Following the ESCO model, Resalta will finance the entire project, ensure its timely implementation and take care of operations and maintenance for the duration of the contract with Paloma. The client enjoys a part of the savings immediately, repaying Resalta gradually from the achieved savings. 

Resalta is a leading energy efficiency and renewables company in Central and Southeastern Europe, operating in eight markets throughout the region. A dynamic, fast-growing company, Resalta works with both public and private clients to finance, design and implement projects that reduce energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability while generating cost savings. So far, the company has realized over 180 energy projects for over 120 clients and continues to expand its product and service portfolio.

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