10. 05. 2023
Resalta partnered with CTP Czech in the implementation of a 749,8 kWp solar power plant.
20. 12. 2019
Resalta is launching a public-private partnership (PPP) in the field of energy efficiency with…
20. 12. 2019
Resalta is partnering with Paloma, the leading paper company based in Sladki Vrh, Slovenia, to…
20. 12. 2019
Fragmat TIM, the Slovenian industrial producer of isolation materials, is collaborating once…
20. 12. 2019
Resalta to install 2 new boilers and a CHP unit to increase Mora Moravia's efficiency as part of…
20. 12. 2019
Fragmat compressed air project to receive waste heat recuperation upgrade and save an additional…
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