Resalta launches lighting renovation project for Kovinoplastika Lož in Slovenia

Kovinoplastika Lož is the largest Slovenian manufacturer of building hardware, kitchen sinks and tools, with a long tradition of quality and an international presence. At its main production facility in Lož, Slovenia, Kovinoplastika produces stainless steel products, develops and manufactures tools and building hardware.

An environmentally conscious business, Kovinoplastika has been continuously monitoring and improving its environmental performance for over two decades. In order to optimize its energy efficiency, Kovinoplastika decided to partner with Resalta for a lighting renovation project in its PC Inox production hall in Lož.

Resalta will replace 466 inefficient luminaires with 350 LED luminaires, with higher luminosity and better placement to ensure optimal conditions for the client’s staff. This measure will reduce the installed capacity of lighting by 72%, generating energy savings of 241 MWh each year. The reduction in energy consumption for lighting will also reduce CO2 emissions by 118 tons annually, thus contributing to Kovinoplastika’s mission of operating in an environmentally friendly way.

Lighting renovation projects are a cost-effective and technologically simple method of improving energy efficiency and generate immediate results, achieving energy as well as financial savings while reducing CO2 emissions. LED lighting is energy efficient because it consumes less electricity than alternatives, with a longer life cycle.

Under the ESCO model, Resalta will finance the whole project and take care of implementation as well as operations and maintenance, with the client paying off the investment from achieved savings over a contractual period of 7 years. Resalta takes on all risks, including financial and technical, while the client enjoys a new lighting system with higher efficiency, luminosity and reliability, including improved environmental impact and working conditions for staff.

Resalta is the leading independent energy services provider in SEE and has realized over 180 projects for over 120 clients. A dynamic, fast-growing company, Resalta works with both public and private clients to finance, design and implement projects that reduce energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability while generating cost savings. Besides being present in Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, Resalta has expanded to the Czech Republic, Italy and Poland as well, offering the same impeccable quality of service throughout Central and Southeastern Europe.

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