Bambi Koncern Partners with Resalta to Embrace Solar Power Solutions

Bambi Koncern, the leading confectionery producer in Serbia renowned for its dynamic and innovative approach, is taking bold steps towards sustainability with the support of Resalta, a trusted leader in renewable energy solutions. Established in 1967 and headquartered in the central Serbian town of Pozarevac, Bambi Koncern has long been synonymous with quality and excellence in the confectionery industry.

After preliminary assessments conducted by Resalta, Bambi Koncern has committed to the construction of a 531.675 kWp solar power plant in Pozarevac. This strategic decision underscores Bambi Koncern's dedication to reducing its environmental footprint and embracing renewable energy sources.

With a total capacity of 531.675 kWp, the solar PV plant, once operational, is projected to generate a significant 562.92 MWh of clean energy annually, contributing to the reduction of 377 tons of CO2 emissions per year. This substantial achievement will not only enhance Bambi Koncern's sustainability credentials but also reinforce its commitment to environmental stewardship.

Currently in the implementation phase, the project is expected to be completed by 2024. As construction progresses, Bambi Koncern and Resalta remain dedicated to delivering tangible results and driving positive change in Serbia's energy landscape.


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