Henkel Invests in Sustainable Energy Future with Solar Power Plant in Serbia

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, a leading global player in the chemical and consumer goods industry, has taken a bold step towards a greener future with the initiation of a solar power project in Serbia. Headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, Henkel boasts an impressive fiscal report for 2021, with sales totaling around 20 billion euros and an operating profit of 2.213 billion euros. With a workforce of over 52,450 employees, more than 85% of whom are stationed outside of Germany, Henkel is truly a global powerhouse.

In a move that underscores its commitment to sustainability, Henkel has chosen to construct a 6,000 kWp solar power plant in Kruševac, Serbia. This decision aligns with Henkel's dedication to reducing its environmental impact and embracing renewable energy solutions.

Partnering with Resalta, a leader in sustainable energy solutions, Henkel's solar power plant is set to be fully operational by 2024. Once completed, the plant will generate an impressive 6,278 MWh of energy annually from renewable sources. This substantial output will contribute significantly to Henkel's sustainability goals, resulting in a reduction of approximately 4,206 tons of CO2 emissions each year.

The collaboration between Henkel and Resalta is not just a short-term venture; it's a commitment to long-term environmental stewardship. With a contract period spanning 15 years, Henkel is demonstrating its dedication to sustainable practices and renewable energy initiatives.

Henkel's investment in the solar power plant in Serbia is a testament to its proactive approach towards building a more sustainable future. As the project progresses, Henkel remains committed to leading by example in corporate sustainability, setting a benchmark for other industry players to follow suit. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project as it unfolds.

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