Lesarstvo Gatej has taken a significant step towards green transformation

Lesarstvo Gatej has chosen the leading energy company Resalta to develop a 200kWp rooftop solar power plant at its production site in Cerkno. The solar plant is based on a long-term contract and will start to produce green electricity in the first half of 2023. Over its ten-year lifetime, the plant's systems will generate more than 184.1 MWh of clean electricity and reduce more than 902 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the projected period.

Lesarstvo Gatej is a company with a very long and successful tradition of manufacturing semi-finished beech wood products, which represent the largest part of their production. Beech semi-finished products are produced according to customer requirements both in Slovenia and in neighbouring countries, in Italy, Austria and Germany.

The new solar power plant confirms a strong commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. Resalta is therefore excited to be involved as a strategic partner in the development of innovative energy solutions.

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