Continuation of the successful partnership with the multinational company Intra Lighting

Resalta continues partnership with Intra Lighting, which successfully operates on four continents and more than forty countries within the architectural lighting business. In a joint project, Resalta will build a 350 kWp solar PV power plant for Intra lighting at its headquarters in Šempeter near Gorica, Slovenia. With the newly installed solar power plant, the company will produce 436.4 MWh of energy per year and reduce carbon footprint by 214 tons of CO2.

The leading energy company Resalta is embarking on its third joint project with the company Intra lighting. After two solar power plants of 49.82 kWp and 168.965 kWp in 2012, we anow implementing a solar power plant of 350 kWp. Therefore, we are very proud to be able to cooperate with the best companies in CEE, especially because we are continuing to promote sustainable energy practice in Slovenia.

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