Innovative energy solutions for decarbonization in partnership with Weiler Abrasives EMEA

Resalta and Weiler Abrasives EMEA have entered a partnership to provide innovative decarbonisation solutions through photovoltaic technology and a state-of-the-art HVAC system, primarily with the aim of reducing energy costs and carbon footprint.

Resalta will install two air-conditioning units to provide 60,000 cubic metres of air per hour to our partner Weiler Abrasives EMEA, a leading manufacturer of surface treatment solutions, for the production hall at the Weiler location in Maribor, Slovenia. These units will be equipped with an energy recovery unit and an adiabatic cooling system, ensuring maximum energy efficiency in ventilation. Cooling needs will be met by the installation of a new 600 kW chiller, which will provide greater energy efficiency and replace the old environmentally hazardous R22 refrigerant. In addition, a new high-speed steam generator will be installed to help control humidity in the production hall throughout the year. Additionally, Resalta will build three solar photovoltaic power plants at different production sites in Slovenia under a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA). The total capacity of the solar energy system is 2,109.6 kWp and it will reduce CO2 emissions by 1,048.3 tonnes per year.

The integrated energy solution will help Weiler Abrasives EMEA to achieve long-term efficiency savings and make its future energy costs predictable. Meanwhile Resalta will continue to consolidate its leading role as a strategic energy company in the CEE region and a trusted business partner in achieving its green transition goals.

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