New energy public-private parthership model between Resalta and the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica

Resalta has been selected by the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica to undertake a comprehensive energy renovation of the Health Centre of Ilirska Bistrica and the Primary school of Anton Žnideršič. Both public buildings will be renovated through a public-private partnership model. This project is a significant step towards a green transition and a sustainable future for the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica.

The implemented measures by Resalta company will provide renewable energy sources, energy savings, and reduce the carbon footprint of both buildings by 298 tons per year, which is equivalent to the annual amount of CO2 absorbed by 19,300 trees. Additionally, the project will also improve comfort for employees and users at both public buildings.

The project involves thermal insulating the facades, roofs, and attics of both buildings, replacing building fixtures, renovating the heating system, and improving lighting. The primary school will be heated with biomass, while the health centre will have installed a heat pump. After all, renovation of the ventilation system, the sanitary hot water preparation system, and installation of thermostatic valves are also part of the project.

The Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica has taken an important step towards a sustainable future, therefore Resalta is honoured to be part of it. Furthermore, the company will strongly continue to work towards its mission of introducing renewable energy sources, providing energy savings, and reducing the carbon footprint in every project.

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