Verdino Green Foods Selects Resalta to Become A Long-Term Partner On Its CO2 Neutrality Roadmap

Verdino Green Foods, one of the leading regional plant-based meat and dairy alternatives company announced that it has selected Resalta to become its partner supporting its commitment to reaching CO2 neutrality. Under this partnership, Resalta, a regional leader in low-carbon energy and services, will provide energy audit and carbon strategy solutions to be deployed in the Verdino Green Foods production site in Alba County, Romania.

As the next step on Verdino Green Foods’s CO2 Neutrality journey, Resalta as an accredited CDP provider will provide the disclosure report to CDP, a global environmental not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system which enables companies, cities, states, and regions to measure and manage their environmental impact.

Oana Gresoiu, Group Chief Sustainability Officer of Verdino Green Foods, said:

“Our Sustainability roadmap and our carbon reduction objectives are the reflection of our convictions that we have a big responsibility to make a positive impact on the Planet. The top priorities assumed through the partnership with Resalta are closely related to the energy efficiency through the improvement of workflows, processes, and technologies in the production area.”


Luka Komazec, Chief Executive Officer of Resalta, added: 

“It is impressive to see the speed and the scale at which Verdino Green Foods has decided to implement energy efficiency plan and renewables to decarbonize operations. We are proud to support Verdino in this transition.“

net zero verdino


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