Resalta joins CDP as an accredited solutions provider

Resalta has announced it has joined CDP's accredited network of service providers.

CDP is the global non-profit which runs the world’s environmental disclosure system used by over 13,000 companies and 1100 cities, states, and regions globally and backed by investors with assets of $110 trillion.

The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action.

Resalta has obtained accreditation as a CDP silver carbon reduction partner for Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Romania as it looks to support companies to implement ambitious sustainability practices.

CDP accredits environmental service providers who can help to support companies in all aspects of their environmental journey, from climate-related scenario analysis to designing a strategy for a water-secure and deforestation-free future.

Accredited providers help companies disclose to CDP to identify the gaps in their environmental performance, address these gaps and identify further opportunities for becoming leaders in the corporate environmental action space.

Paul Robins, Head of Corporate Partnerships, CDP:

"The addition of Resalta into our network of accredited solutions providers will bring highly valued expertise to the thousands of companies using CDP to disclose their environmental data and support them to implement leading actions to manage their risks and reduce their impacts. We are confident that Resalta’s capabilities will be useful, and we are glad to accredit them as a valued, high-quality service provider."

Luka Komazec, CEO of Resalta:

"I am delighted that we are partnering with the CDP to bring even better service to our clients, accompanying them on their journey to net zero. Nothing can be improved unless it is measured. We hope this partnership will encourage clients to monitor, measure and disclose their emissions. Reporting helps keep us transparent and accountable, and I have no doubt that our clients who choose to benefit from our disclosure practices will find that their road to carbon neutrality will become much clearer."

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Přihlášením se k odběru našeho zpravodaje souhlasíte s přijímáním e-mailové komunikace od společnosti Resalta Czech republic s.r.o. Cílem našeho informačního bulletinu je informovat návštěvníky webových stránek, partnery, klienty a širokou veřejnost o práci, kterou společnost Resalta dělá, o jejích nových projektech, vývoji, nadcházejících událostech a novinkách týkajících se energetické účinnosti a obnovitelných zdrojů. Frekvence vydání zpravodaje bude nejvýše měsíčně, s možnými výjimkami pro neplánované, ale důležité zprávy. Vyhrazujeme si výhradní právo tento zpravodaj kdykoli změnit a ukončit, a to bez předchozího upozornění. Vaše soukromí bereme vážně a nikdy nebudeme vaše informace sdělovat ani prodávat třetím stranám. Odběr zpravodaje můžete kdykoli zrušit.