Resalta partnered with CTP Czech in the implementation of a 749,8 kWp solar power plant.

Resalta is launching a public-private partnership (PPP) in the field of energy efficiency with…

Resalta signed a contract for the modernization of lighting in six supermarkets of the trade…

Resalta, the energy efficiency and renewable energy company, marked the opening of the Slatina…

Resalta is undertaking its second project with Atlantic Grupa at its Foodland factory in…

The City of Ljubljana energy retrofit project is this year’s recipient of Dnevi Energetikov’s…

EIF and Slovenian Resalta sign EUR 6 million investment for further development of independent…

Resalta has signed a new public-private partnership with Preserje Elementary School in the…
Přihlaste se k odběru novinek Resalta.
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