Vine Cuts as Biomass Fuel: Resalta Montenegro’s Plantaže Project

Resalta is proud to announce that it will soon begin work on one of its key projects in Montenegro. Plantaže AD, one of the most famous wineries in the region and the largest in the Balkans, signed a contract with Resalta to reduce its energy costs and environmental footprint. Due to its high production of wine and other spirits, energy costs are very high, and until now the winery has been using an old heavy oil steam boiler. 

In addition to the environmental impact caused, Plantaže has been incurring significant costs for operation, maintenance, cleaning of the boiler, as well as losses on steam pipelines. The current outdated system is also lacking a condensate return system.

Resalta’s proposed solution is the installation of a new biomass steam boiler, 2MW capacity, 3t/h, with a partially new steam line and an entirely new condensate return system. In order to take full advantage of Plantaže’s core business, Resalta proposed vine cuts as the new biomass fuel. These are a by-product of the company’s main operation and have low moisture content and high calorific value.

The investment will enable the client to save €200,000 each year for the duration of the five-year contract, after which it will benefit from even higher savings. During installation works, Plantaže’s production will continue unimpeded. Resalta is proud to have worked on a project of this scope with one of Montenegro’s largest and most reputed companies.

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