Resalta Launches Public Lighting Project with the Municipality of Beočin in Serbia

Resalta's latest public private partnership in the SEE region is with Beočin, a municipality of 15,726 people in Vojvodina, Serbia. The public private partnership contract is for the modernization of public lighting in the municipality. Resalta will replace 2,510 obsolete and inefficient mercury, halogen and sodium luminaires with LED luminaires.

The new energy efficient luminaires will reduce the installed lighting capacity by 230 kW, down to 109 kW. The municipality will enjoy annual energy savings of nearly 1,000 MWh and will see its CO2 emissions lowered by 510 tons each year. The luminaires were carefully selected following photometric measurements to fill all the requirements of the city and its surrounding towns.

Resalta will also replace the obsolete systems for switching public lighting on and off in all 62 substations in the municipality, with an automated system regulated by an astronomic clock adjusted for the conditions in Beočin, enabling optimal energy savings as well as the required 4,000 operating hours per year. The municipality will benefit from immediate energy as well as a part of the cost savings. For the duration of the contract (12 years) Resalta will provide operation and maintenance services and guarantee the functioning of the equipment installed.

Public private partnerships (PPPs) between Resalta and a public partner mean that Resalta provides financing and implements the project, also providing maintenance services for the duration of the contract. Resalta recoups its investment gradually, with the public partner immediately benefiting from savings. Once the contract expires, the public partner benefits from the full amount of savings. Resalta won the tender for the Beočin public lighting project together with a technical partner.

This is one of many public-private partnerships Resalta has implemented in the region. Notable projects include the largest energy efficiency PPP in the region signed with the City of Ljubljana, in a consortium with Petrol, for the energy retrofit of 49 municipal buildings, as well as the public private partnership for heat supply with the City of Pirot. Public lighting is also a common object of public-private partnerships, with Resalta having carried out renovations in the cities of Kruševac and Petrovac na Mlavi in Serbia, along with municipalities Ada, Žabalj and Nova Crnja, and the Istrian city of Novigrad in Croatia. Resalta will continue to work with cities and municipalities throughout the region in its efforts to improve energy efficiency in the public sector.

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