Resalta implements one of the largest and newest Energy Monitoring Systems in Bulgaria for Serdika Center

Resalta has recently completed a project with Serdika, one of the largest trade centers in Bulgaria. Resalta’s team has modernized the center’s energy monitoring system, thus significantly improving Serdika’s ability to control its energy consumption.

The Serdika Trade Center has over 210 stores and restaurants and is qualified as a sustainable building. Resalta has helped resolve issues with the obsolete energy monitoring system, in operation since the opening of the trade center. The old EMS was suboptimal, time consuming when it came to data collection and analyses, and thus could not meet the management’s requirements to enable well informed decisions for performance improvement.

Resalta implemented solutions that address these requirements directly. In doing so, Resalta became one of the first companies to install Schneider Electric’s newest state of the art EMS - EcoStruxure Power monitoring Expert 9.0 - which through its advanced power quality analysis ensures reliable network operation, better equipment performance, improved tracking and better reporting. The system brings capabilities that make it simpler to keep operations running, protect people and assets and at the same time save time and money.

The innovative features of the EMS include:

  • the most advanced energy visualization for calculation, modelling, forecasting and tracking main energy performance indicators
  •  alarm management with smart events and alarms clustering for intuitive and powerful filtering as well as timeline analysis tools defining alarms’ sequence, location and impact

Project implementation was completed within a month and involved the measurement of more than 250 existing electricity meters, some of which were substituted with new ones. The applied energy monitoring system is one of the largest in Bulgaria. It is designed to allow for expansion of the connections in the future, if needed. The integrated measures will save time and human resources for the client while providing accurate, timely and comprehensive information on all energy consumption for better decision-making processes.


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