Resalta enters Macedonian market with energy audit of Alkaloid AD Skopje

Resalta is pleased to announce it has officially launched its operations in Macedonia with its first project in the country: a comprehensive energy audit of leading pharmaceutical company Alkaloid AD Skopje. Resalta d.o.o.e.l. was registered in September 2018, and the energy audit commissioned shortly thereafter. Macedonia is the eighth market the company has entered as part of its international expansion.

The company’s goal is to keep improving energy efficiency in the region and help Macedonia’s dynamic industry and hospitality sectors to grow in sustainable, environmentally mindful ways. In order to do so, Resalta will put its extensive experience of energy efficiency and renewables projects at the service of local companies, sharing its technical and financial know-how.

Alkaloid will undergo a thorough audit of six of its facilities, five in Skopje and one in Dojran, as part of Resalta’s first energy efficiency project in the country. As one of the region’s leaders in pharmaceutical production, Alkaloid consumes significant amounts of energy. Resalta’s engineers will measure and analyze all energy systems in order to identify potential for savings and optimization. Based on the audit, Resalta will then propose the most cost-effective solutions for saving energy, lowering carbon emissions and costs.

Energy audits are a necessary first step for companies and institutions toward a more efficient use of energy. Since its foundation, Resalta has performed more than 150 energy audits in the industrial, commercial and public sectors.

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