New industrial project in Bulgaria: Orgachim

Resalta is pleased to announce its new project in Bulgaria’s industrial sector. The client, Orgachim is one of the largest chemical companies in South Eastern Europe, producing specialty chemicals and coatings, and is based in Ruse, Bulgaria.

Resalta is pleased to announce its new project in Bulgaria’s industrial sector. The client, Orgachim is one of the largest chemical companies in South Eastern Europe, producing specialty chemicals and coatings, and is based in Ruse, Bulgaria.

The company initiated a large renovation of the heating system in its production and warehouse facilities aimed to improve energy efficiency, increase system reliability and improve comfort in all its facilities.

Resalta will decentralize the existing heating system for the production and warehouse facilities of Orgachim in Ruse, by redesigning it and repairing it where feasible, as well as implementing energy efficiency measures including gas boilers, gas-fired unit heaters, roof insulation, etc. The project will take place in several phases. The resulting savings will come from the reduction of transmission losses, and the applied system optimizations.

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