Nectar undergoing energy audits at 5 production facilities

Celebrating twenty years of making quality fruit juices this year, Nectar is one of Serbia’s leading and most recognizeable brands. With production plants across the SEE region, the group’s portfolio includes the Bujanovac water Heba as well as Slovenian juice producer Fructal. With international distribution, Nectar has vast production needs and high energy requirements.

In order to better optimize processes and identify potential for savings, Nectar contracted Resalta to undertake an energy audit of its Fructal plant in Ajdovščina, Slovenia. Following the success of this initial audit, Resalta extended its efforts to Nectar’s main plant and headquarters in Bačka Palanka. The second audit within the group was completed in March of 2018. As a quality conscious, socially responsible and eco-friendly company, Nectar understands the value of energy efficiency to preserve the environment and generate savings.

Three additional energy audits have been commissioned, and Resalta is in the process of auditing the processing and production plant in Vladičin Han, the water bottling plant in Bujanovac as well as Nectar’s facility in Skopje, Macedonia. In each facility, the savings potential of all energy systems is being analyzed, covering everything from heating and boilers to cooling, compressed air and lighting.

In the case of Vladičin Han, the nature of the production process means that the energy audit will take place over the better part of a year: Resalta will analyze the energy consumption of different systems processing different types of fruit as they are integrated into the production cycle seasonally. This will allow Resalta to provide a thorough and complete energy analysis as well as recommendations for savings and optimization.

All energy audits are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

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