GGE has become Resalta

Committed to improving energy efficiency throughout the region, GGE has been your dedicated energy efficiency partner for many years. We have completed a great number of projects with public, industrial and commercial clients, collaborated with highly esteemed financial and governmental institutions, NGOs and other organisations interested in the promotion of efficiency in our countries. 

Our mission has been to develop renewable energy sources and to save every possible unit of energy, ensuring that our clients can rely on smooth and efficient energy processes, with low carbon emissions. We have done this for many years and intend to continue doing so for many to come. 

There is however one change. GGE has decided to undergo a rebranding to better reflect its growth and ambitions, as well as its position in the SEE energy market. 

The name GGE originally stood for the three founding companies: Gorenje, Geoplin and Energetika Ljubljana. It has unfortunately outlived its purpose – not only has the shareholder structure changed, GGE’s ambitions have currently exceeded all initial expectations and the company has, alongside the brand, grown regionally at a very fast pace. 

Our new name is Resalta. 

Resalta stands for the high results we always strive deliver to our partners and to achieve in everything that we do. The new logo and brand identity reflect our commitment to sustainability and will serve to drive us forward by helping us build a recognizable, strong and trusted image. 

Our team remains the same, and the familiar faces you have collaborated with will still be focused on building a great company and achieving your energy goals. Our mission is also unchanged, as is our way of doing business. We will continue to serve our clients and partners to the best of our ability, and to work on improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources in the region.

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Přihlaste se k odběru novinek Resalta.

Pravidla a podmínky.

Přihlášením se k odběru našeho zpravodaje souhlasíte s přijímáním e-mailové komunikace od společnosti Resalta Czech republic s.r.o. Cílem našeho informačního bulletinu je informovat návštěvníky webových stránek, partnery, klienty a širokou veřejnost o práci, kterou společnost Resalta dělá, o jejích nových projektech, vývoji, nadcházejících událostech a novinkách týkajících se energetické účinnosti a obnovitelných zdrojů. Frekvence vydání zpravodaje bude nejvýše měsíčně, s možnými výjimkami pro neplánované, ale důležité zprávy. Vyhrazujeme si výhradní právo tento zpravodaj kdykoli změnit a ukončit, a to bez předchozího upozornění. Vaše soukromí bereme vážně a nikdy nebudeme vaše informace sdělovat ani prodávat třetím stranám. Odběr zpravodaje můžete kdykoli zrušit.