Gorenje/Cooling 2 - Slovenia

Project statistics

Annual electricity savings of over



Energy consumption for cooling reduced by


Environmentally hazardous R22 refrigerant replaced with safe, eco-friendly cooling media

Situation before the contract and client requirements

  • Two of Gorenje’s busiest production halls, for cooking appliances and washer-dryers, had outdated cooling systems.
  • Cold water is a crucial component in the production, and with a planned increase it was very important to Gorenje to have reliable and efficient cooling systems in place.

Resalta solution

Two separate cooling systems were implemented in the two production halls with due diligence and precision, and comprised the best technology available: packaged chiller units with free cooling sections. In the kitchen appliances hall, a cooling unit with a free cooling section with a cooling power of 730 kW was installed, and the washers hall received a chiller with 560 kW of cooling power.

The two systems ensure a constant temperature of cooling water and considerable electricity savings, enabling Gorenje to increase its production capacities while also maintaining the quality level of its production processes.

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